Through our core business activities GBRf are committed to providing good quality, reliable and cost- effective rail freight services to our customers. Our core business strategy is to increase and encourage a greater move towards the use of rail freight. This will in turn support the needs of society to achieve more sustainable transport options.
At the same time, top management shall ensure that adequate financial and physical resources are available and that the policy is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities and services.
Our Key Performance Objectives for 2021 are:
1) Reduce GBRf’s tonnes of CO2e (tCO2e) emitted per million pounds of revenue generated by 2.5% in 2021.
2) Develop a second KPO to tie CO2e emissions with tonnes of goods moved to draw a comparison with other FOCs and the Road Haulage business in the UK.
GBRf consider the care for the environment to be critically important and is committed to continually improving our environmental impact and performance at all levels.
To ensure the aims of this policy are met, we will conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner, and this will be reviewed periodically by our GREENER Working Group.
It is our policy to seek to reduce the impact of these activities, our dependency on non-renewable resources, and to integrate environmental considerations in our business decisions.
Our environmental policy sets the baseline to achieve:
1) Compliance with all applicable environmental legislation, regulations and with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects.
2) Continue to manage environmental risk through contingency planning and training of employees.
3) A commitment to continual improvement, prevention, and reduction of pollution.
4) Providing a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.
5) Effective communication and awareness to all persons working for or, on behalf of the GBRf.
6) Communicate the policy to all employees via email, electronic information bulletins, notice boards and make the policy available to the public and other stakeholders upon request.
7) Where feasible collaborate with our stakeholders and interested parties to promote good environmental practices and seek ways of reducing our carbon footprint.
8) Maintain ISO14001 accreditation of GBRf’s Environmental Management System.
9) This policy will be revised annually, and where necessary revised in the light of changes.
10) Any revisions will be documented, implemented, and communicated to all employees.
GBRf are striving to Support a GREENER Future in 2021 and beyond.